
The Initial version of the document is complete by now. The next stage is to review the content. The document should be reviewed based on the following two scenarios:

  1. Language
  2. Information
The review of the document based on the mechanical and grammatical error is considered as language review. Nobody can tolerate mechanical errors. Mechanical errors include spacing, missing commas, missing full-stops, incomplete sentences, misplaced words, spellings, typos, and so on. Mechanical errors definitely give a bad impression on the document. Grammatical errors can be tolerated to an extent. But that will have negative impression when it goes beyond the limit. We can avoid these errors when we stick to the one simple rule, that is, “USE ONLY DIRECT, SIMPLE AND SHORT SENTENCES”. I swear this rule will work!!

The next scenario in reviewing is the information review. It is always great to have good language, but what if the content is wrong!! Oops! The whole work will go meaningless. It is very important to have the correct information. The main aim of documentation is to provide the valid information and is mainly used for reference. If this information is wrong, then there is no use of that document.

There are four stages of reviewing, namely,

  1. Self Review
  2. Peer Review
  3. Quality Review
  4. Technical Review
As and when the document is completed, always take time to have a Self Review. Even after you write a simple mail, and when we recheck we might feel like improving the content of the mail. There is nothing called wrong in writing; it is always a better version of writing. We can recheck for the mechanical errors, and grammatical errors. It is always good to compare the final document with the gathered information.

Once the self review is done, try to have a Peer Review of that document. Some simple errors that we might skip could be found easily by our colleagues. Try this option, it actually cleanses the document.

Now the document can be sent for the Quality Review. Here, the mechanical and grammatical errors are keenly watched.

In the Technical Review stage, the document is reviewed for its information. There is no mechanical or grammatical errors are watched at this stage. Only information is given importance.

A quality document will not have mechanical errors, complex sentences, and will definitely maintain consistency throughout the document.

Wow! Now the document is ready to publish!

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